
How To Start An Instagram Travel Blog

Instagram. We all have our opinions on it, love it or hate it. We've been on the platform for over two years now and turned it into a business. We've grown a decent community, and have worked with many brands during this time. We are, by no means, experts on the matter, but after a long period of high activity on this channel, we've learned quite a few things. We've also made a few mistakes along the way. We've been through some good times and some rougher times on the platform. We want to share what we've learned with those who want to document their trip in the hopes of becoming the next big social media travel influencers. We don't have all the answers, but this should help get things started. So here are the 15 mistakes to avoid on Instagram, and the things we wish we knew before starting our travel Instagram account.

Our travel Instagram journey

We started our Instagram account about a month after leaving on our long-term trip. Our friends back home were begging us to document our travels so they could see where we were and what we were doing.

We started out innocently enough, posting decent enough pictures that we edited through Adobe Lightroom. We just wanted to make them pop a little more. We had a very little community and we're doing this more for fun than with the hopes to become content creators (we actually hate the word Influencer, but that's a story for another day).

One of our first pictures on Instagram and the mistakes to avoid on Instagram
The Canadian Rocky Mountains are amazing! Banff, Canada our first stop and one of our first pics

Slowly (and yeah, we mean very slowly) our Instagram community started to grow. After 4 months, we had about 4,000 followers. We didn't quite understand why people were following us, but they did.

Then, over the course of 2 months, we more than doubled our community, finally reaching 10k followers. That was an awesome milestone! We were so proud, so happy. We had started putting a lot of time and energy into growing our community.

But then, things started to change. We went go from gaining about 700 followers a week to being stuck between 11k and 12k for the last 2 months… and now, for over a year.

Actually, the last year has been more of a rollercoaster than any other. Our numbers climbed to 15,000 followers only to start steadily dropping. Blame it on algorithm changes, over-saturation in the #travelcouple niche, and even on our desire to break free from the typical travel accounts.

Although our numbers go up and down, we've stayed pretty stable during this time, and it seems like many are in the same situation.

Lake in Alberta Canada where we first started editing to grow on Instagram
Our very first Instagram picture on our account. A beautiful lake in Alberta, Canada

This isn't the same journey for everyone. Some grow super fast, then stagnate. Others are super slow to grow then gain 50k followers in 5 months. Others just grow consistently throughout time. It's different for everyone, but most will tell you that these lessons are universal.

Through the ups and downs, we keep sharing our adventures with others, hoping that we can inspire others to get out there and create their own adventure. We also love documenting our adventure through photography. We often take a look back in time to see how far we've come.

So here's what we learned along the way (and are still learning). Hopefully, it will help you get off the ground a little quicker, and get you to where you want to be.

15 mistakes to avoid on Instagram and the tips we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account

So before we jump in, the way we'll go about this is by telling you the mistakes to avoid on Instagram, how to work around it and what we wish we knew when we had just started out our travel Instagram account.

1. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Trying to be everything to everyone

When we started out, there were tons of other travel Instagram accounts out there. There are new ones popping up every day. Don't worry, because there is room for everyone in this world (and on Instagram).

So the mistake to avoid on Instagram here is to not try to be everything to everyone. When you dilute your message and your focus, people don't know what to expect from you. If you want to grow your travel Instagram account, then make sure that you are super focused on what you want to convey as a message to others. How is it different than what others are doing?

The tip we wish we knew to grow on Instagram: Find your niche because you are not alone.

To set yourself apart and grow your Instagram account, find your niche. What that means is that you should be super targeted and focused. Focus on what your message and your core values are.

Sure, if you want to do travel, that is a part of your niche, but it's too wide still. So dig down another two layers. That can mean eco-friendly couple travel, or budget adventure travel, or LGBTQ travel with pets. Whatever it is, there is something that makes you unique. Focus on that. Always!

2. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Don't copy other travel accounts

Pretty simple, no? We've said it before, and we'll say it again. It's ok to get inspired by your favorite couples out there, those amazing photographers, or the witty captions you read. What's not ok, is straight-up copy them.

Miyajimacho Japan. Mistakes to avoid on Instagram
A ferry ride from Hiroshima is Miyajima, Japan and its famous torii

It's ok to find inspiration, in fact, it can help you get started or out of a creative slump. It also helps you figure out what type of pictures you like, what kind of editing you want to do, and what you want to focus on. So take a look at what other accounts are doing, what works and what doesn't, but be sure you make it unique in your own way.

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Find inspiration and give credit where credit is due

One of the things we love about Instagram is how supportive the creative community can be. So when you do take inspiration from other creators, make sure you give them credit. Like we said, there is enough room on the platform for everyone, so help others grow by recognizing their creation and sharing the love.

3. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Being inconsistent with posting

We're actually really bad with this, but we know it's super important! A very popular couple we know and love posts at the same time every single day. That is commitment! And that's the right way to do it.

Your followers will know that you are serious about the account and your work, and they'll know to expect to see you at the same time every day.

Cairns Australia. How to grow on Instagram
A fun hike through the rainforest in Cairns, Australia

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Post consistently or post every day

We try to post every day, but timing gets tricky. We're either traveling and we want to enjoy our trip as well, or we're working in an office. We won't turn down dates with friends, or pull our phone out when we're in the middle of an activity. We'd rather be fully present in the moment.

Find a balance that works for you, look at what times your audience is online, and stick to that timeframe. Be flexible, but have some rigor about it.

Extra tip to grow your Instagram account

To figure out what the best time to post is, make sure you sign up for a business account on Instagram. Use the data to target your posts as much as possible. This will also help when you're building your media kit. But more on this later!

4. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not creating great content

Your pictures, your stories, your captions, everything you put out is your content. It's part of your brand, and it should be as awesome as you can make it. It's a process for sure, and you will continuously be learning. Make sure your content is not only good for your standards, but for the standard of what's online.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't put anything out until it's perfect, because perfection doesn't exist. Just make sure it's the best thing that you can put out at that time. If it doesn't make you happy or proud to put it out there, skip that day, or post something else.

Wanaka New Zealand. How to start a travel Instagram
We found this little furball near Wanaka, New Zealand

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Content is king!

The creative process is a long and sometimes tricky one. You actually should never stop learning and evolving. One of the things that helped us was learning how to edit our pictures.

So to make sure your pics are always on point, make sure you edit them with software like Adobe Lightroom. If you want to create a consistent feed, use presets like the ones from Aggie Lal (@travel_inhershoes) or Marie Fe and Jake Snow (@mariefeandjakesnow). And if you feel like you're up for the challenge, you can create your own presets!

5. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not using Instagram Stories

Often, people focus so much on their feed, they forget to put effort into their stories. Your stories should have a purpose too. They need to show your personality and what makes you unique.

We were quite shy in the beginning and didn't use stories too much. It made it that people couldn't connect more with us. But when we started using stories, we saw a huge jump in growing our community, but it also made our community more engaged with us.

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Post stories, every day if you can

The lesson here is to put effort into your stories, and show the real you. Take people on the adventure with you, share candid moments. This is what will keep them coming back. Be consistent with your stories as well! At the same time, make sure you provide value through your stories.

Extra tips to grow your Instagram account through Stories

  • If you want to create a nice theme through your stories, use an app like Unfold.
  • You can also put hashtags in your stories so more people see them, either through the #Hashtag sticker or even just as text hidden in your story.
  • Be sure to use the location as well, as that will help get more views and help locate people.
  • If you start creating your story, then save it to share later, beware! Pretty much anything you save, like the slider, a poll, heck even hashtags, will not work if you post a saved story later on! So create your caption and save that story, but add anything else that adds engagement just before posting.

6. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not starting your Instagram account before your trip

This was one of our big lessons. We should have started creating content before we left on our trip. There are so many reasons for that.

You get to learn how to use your gear. You figure out what works and doesn't for you (in terms of style, poses, editing, all of it!). You get to see if you need more gear. And even more importantly, you start building your community while you're still at home. Just make sure your content fits with your niche.

Ao Nang Thailand. Mistakes to avoid on Instagram
Thailand has the nicest sunsets, Ao Nang is no exception

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Start your learning process before traveling

This whole journey on social media is a process, and a long one at that. The Instagram algorithm constantly changes, your skills will evolve, you'll figure out new gear is required, and using the new gear takes time. And don't even get us started on editing, because that's a whole different process.

So if you want to take some initial stress off your trip, especially if you want to grow your IG to be a business, then start mastering these things before your trips.

7. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not engaging enough with the platform

The key to succeed on Instagram is no secret. Engage, engage, engage.

The earlier you start, the more you do, the better! Some larger accounts say that to grow, you need to spend a good 3-5 hours/day liking, commenting and following other accounts.

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Engagement is important, so engage. A lot.

To be honest, we know we should have done more of this, especially in the beginning, when the algorithm wasn't such a *insert expletive of your choice here*! But to be honest, we were having too much fun on adventures to spend that much of our time on social media. But if your goal is to grow quickly, and to turn this into a viable business, then spend your free time engaging. It's called social media for a reason. So get social.

And like we said, if you start before you leave, you can do this while you're watching TV at home, vs taking time away from your adventure, once you're abroad.

It's hard to get people to comment on your posts naturally unless you are super kick-ass (which we're sure you are!). So, when people comment on your posts, be sure to return the favor and like/comment on their latest post too.

8. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Focusing too much on the numbers

Ok, easier said than done. Hell, we still get caught up in the numbers sometimes!
And we get it!
You put in so much time and effort to create great content. You pick outfits and props, take the pics, edit them, think of captions and engage with others. You want the numbers to reflect your hard work. But the algorithm changes again, and you're stuck wondering why your numbers are garbage.

So save yourself the trouble. Really! Don't pay too much attention to the stats. They will get you depressed.

And don't compare yourself to others either. You never know what they are really doing to get their numbers. Did they buy likes, followers or comments? Are they using the right hashtags? Are they spending twice as much time as you on this? Who knows, and really, who cares?! Just work on your own path, enjoy the journey, and stay focused.

Langkawi Malaysia How to start a travel Instagram account
Enjoying one of many waterfalls in Langkawi, Malaysia

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Look at your numbers to learn from them

The only times we would say to pay attention to those numbers are when a post does really well, or really poorly. Try to draw conclusions so you can either replicate or avoid the same things.

This also applies when you check other people's posts. Check them, but only to learn from them. Was their picture of a famous place different than others you've seen? Did they write an especially engaging caption? Was their editing different? Again, the goal is not to compare, but to learn so you can grow organically on Instagram.

9. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Posting for the sake of posting

We mentioned it before, but it's important to post only your best work on your feed. Not what you think is ok, but really your best or your favorite. If it's not good enough, then don't post, and just engage on that day.

Dumaguete Philippines. How to grow on Instagram
Taking it easy near Dumaguete, Philippines

People see so many posts in a day, that to really get the best engagement, you should be posting only your greatest work… or work that makes you happy!

The tip we wish we knew to grow on Instagram: Post what makes you happy

The opinions on this point may vary, depending on who you ask. Some say that posting good content is better than not posting any content. Sometimes, we even agree that Instagram is too curated and there should be more realness out there. So for this point, it really depends on what you want to do with your account.

If you're using to showcase your amazing photography skills, to grow your business or to attract clients, then post only the best shots you have. If this is more for fun, then by all means, you do you and post what makes you happy!

10. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not working hard enough

We totally thought we could put some hashtags up, take good pics and grow a following magically. Nope! Growing your Instagram account is a lot of work. Like a lot!

We're not just talking about the Instagram part, but all of it. If you want to have a blog and Pinterest, that will take a lot of time. If you want to work with brands, you'll need to build a media kit. You'll need to reach out to a lot of brands who often won't answer you. Reaching out and sending personalized requests takes time, effort and grit.

Then, once you get a collaboration, the work doesn't stop. You have to shoot, edit, put together what you promised the brand and send a report of your results. It's a lot of time and effort, but if you enjoy it, it's totally worth every minute of it.

If you're not in it for the long-term, or to monetize your account, then just stick to the parts you enjoy, and focus on those.

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Work hard, but have fun!

Like we said, it is a lot of hard work to grow your travel Instagram account to be a business. Just like any job, it takes a lot of time and effort. But our biggest tip here would be to have fun. If you're not having fun, then don't do it. It will ruin your trip, and potentially, your relationship. And no one wants that!

Another tip here would be to be selective with the brands you work with. When brands do start wanting to work with you, which will inevitably happen, choose wisely. There is no need to push products or brands you wouldn't use in real life. So stay true to who you are, and use your "influence" for good.

The perks may seem enticing at first, especially if you are traveling on a budget, but don't sell out your community for a quick pay-check.

11. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not learning and evolving

Don't get comfortable. Ever! Always look to perfect your skills. Whether it's your photography, your caption writing, your editing, your poses, whatever. There are a ton of sources out there to help you. Look for the content creators you like and soak in their knowledge. It will only help you grow as a creator, and keep your material fresh.

Valencia Spain. How to start a travel Instagram account
Always time for a good laugh, Valencia, Spain

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: you will never stop learning and growing

Even after all this time on Instagram, we're still learning and evolving and growing. We're so proud to see how our skills are piling up and how we've changed so much through this process. Our editing is much cleaner. Our ability to turn our vision into reality is improving (though there are still things we don't know how to do). The same will happen to you. You will notice how certain things will get easier, how your creative vision will clear up. So take your time and enjoy the journey!

12. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Taking your travel Instagram account too seriously

This is our #1 piece of advice when it comes to avoiding mistakes on Instagram. We said it once and we'll say it again. Just have fun with it! Don't let it get too serious. Don't get into arguments because of Instagram. Don't let that famous Instagram shot be the only purpose for your trip.

Sahara desert Morocco. How to start a travel Instagram account
Strolling through the Sahara Desert, Morocco

The day you stop having fun, you need to re-evaluate what you're doing and how you can make this fun again. And if you can't find the fun in it anymore, maybe it's time you stop…

The tip we wish we knew to grow on Instagram: Have fun with it

We said this a few times, so we'll say it again. Please, whatever you do, have fun with this! We know that you want to turn this into a business, but like any job, you will hate what you do if you stop having fun. So make sure that you don't take yourself too seriously and have fun!

13. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Getting embarrassed too quickly

We're not talking about getting naked, but if that's your thing, go for it. We're not saying it's ok to break the rules either, cause you should never "Do it for the 'Gram". We're talking about taking pictures in front of people.

It's pretty awkward to set up a tripod in a crowded place and start posing in front of strangers. Like the time a security guard followed us around and stood 3 feet from us while we were shooting… AWKWARD!

Eauze France. How to grow on Instagram
We got some stares here, being silly again, in Eauze, France

People will stare, they will ask questions, and give you weird looks. Just ignore them and have fun with it.

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Have no shame when it comes to shooting

When we talk about having no shame, we're not talking about breaking the rules. Because you should never do that! We've heard horror stories about this, and we really ask that you stick to the rules. Always. Breaking them makes it harder for other creatives to do their job. And you may ruin the experience for others.

So when we talk about not having shame, we mean to not get caught up in the looks and snickers of others around you.

14. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Not being social on social media

If you don't do this, you'll be missing out on the best part of social media!

This is probably the best part of Instagram: being able to connect with people. Being a content creator on Instagram is not a competition. Don't push anyone down. Seriously, there is room for everyone on the platform and that's pretty awesome.

Athens Greece. How to grow on Instagram
Athens was just amazing, Greece

The tip we wish we knew to grow on Instagram: Make friends on Instagram

Make friends with others, either other travel couples, other creatives and just other people, because the travel life can sometimes get lonely. It's fun to meet Insta-friends around the world. When times get tough, or you need some advice, you can have a support system around you. A bonus is that you can have friends (and places to crash) all over the world! And if you really want to make friends all around the world, make sure you try Couchsurfing!

15. Mistake to avoid on Instagram: Only stick to Instagram

We were lucky that pretty early on in our journey, we met an awesome, pretty famous Instagram couple. They were kind enough to share some knowledge that was passed on to them by another wise blogger. And we're passing it on to you now.Don't put all your eggs in the same basket, i.e. Instagram.

They told us to focus on our blog because that's a piece of the internet we actually own. When wise people talk, we listen.

From then on, we focused more of our energy on the blog, not forgetting IG completely, but not putting in as much time and effort into it. We also started building our audience on Pinterest and on TikTok too.

Dilijan Armenia
One of a hundred amazing sunsets we have captured, Dilijan, Armenia

The tip we wish we knew to grow a travel Instagram account: Diversify your portfolio

We're really happy we took this piece of advice. We're happy Instagram gets us to work with amazing brands, companies, and hotels, but with the ever-changing algorithm, we're using it more as a media channel for our blog. If Instagram wants you to pay to get your content seen, and they are acting as a media outlet, then we will treat them like one!

The blog isn't for everyone. You really need to enjoy writing and have to find your niche there too. If that's not your thing, go for a Youtube channel, or become a Pinterest guru, or start a podcast. Just focus on the things that bring you joy. And if you just want to post pics for fun on Instagram, then do that.

Here are our 15 tips to grow a travel Instagram account

So there it is, all the advice we wish we knew before we got started. It would have helped manage our expectations and helped us avoid some important missteps. But like we said, it's a process, and for the most part, we've been enjoying it.

  1. Know that you are not alone. Find your niche
  2. Find inspiration but don't copy other travel accounts
  3. Consistency is key if you want to grow your Instagram account
  4. Content is king if you want to make your Instagram account a business
  5. Stories are queen to create a connection
  6. Start your Instagram account before your trip
  7. Engagement is important to grow your travel account, so engage. A lot.
  8. Don't focus on the numbers
  9. Post only your best content to Instagram
  10. Work hard. It's a lot more work than you think!
  11. Keep learning and evolving
  12. Have fun with your Instagram account
  13. Have no shame when it comes to shooting
  14. Make friends with other couples
  15. Diversify your portfolio

If you want even more tips from some of our favorite Instagram couples, you can check out their wise words here.

Is there any advice that you got that could help others? What's your favorite tip? Let us know in the comments!

We put a lot of time and effort into the content we create. Please like, comment and share, every action on your part helps us out tremendously and is very much appreciated.

You can also help us by pinning it for others to find.

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How To Start An Instagram Travel Blog


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