
Asana's new Workload feature hopes to reduce burnout in the workplace


Asana, a work management platform for teams, is rolling out a new characteristic called Workload designed to assist programme and balance work across groups.

The company was inspired to develop the characteristic because of the prevalence of burnout in the workplace. Asana partnered with research firm 4media to comport a study across half dozen,000 cognition workers from the U.S., U.G. and Commonwealth of australia, which showed just how prevalent burnout can exist.

The study institute that 82 percent of respondents felt overworked, with 80 percent of tech workers and 74 percent of marketers experiencing burnout at least once in the past six months.

Farther, the report revealed that too much work tin can negatively impact team morale. Almost half of U.S. respondents said they had employees get out their visitor because they felt overwhelmed past the amount of work.

Interestingly, the report found that peak productivity is at 11am, and productivity slumps at 1pm.

Asana Workload feature

Asana's Workload feature aims to solve burnout and too much work past giving managers an overview of their teams and how much work employees are doing. The functionality bubbles up all the things your team is working on and lets you run across who'southward underworked and overworked so yous can reallocate tasks appropriately.

Asana Business users can see Workload by navigating to the Portfolio view. Portfolios are a way for managers to organize all the unlike projects teams are working on across a diverseness of categories.

Portfolio's main tab shows a breakup of all the projects and tasks, simply past jumping into the Workload tab, managers can see a graph showing the individual workload of all the squad members on a given project. Farther, Workload lets you lot drill down into each individual's tasks to see what they're working on and drag and driblet work to other team members to balance things out. Asana will notify employees when tasks get reallocated.

Workload also lets managers create their own metrics. By default, it measures workloads by the number of tasks assigned to each employee, but managers can create other parameters, such every bit how many hours someone works.

Workload will be bachelor for Asana Business customers starting August 1st, 2019, which starts at $19.99 USD (virtually $26.36 CAD) per member per calendar month. You tin learn more than here.


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