
Entrepreneur Wants $50K to Build Self-Sufficient Floating Island

Aliveness on land is so 2020–aren't you ready to move onto a futuristic floating utopian island that "follows the summer" around the world? Thirty-twelvemonth-old West Germanic language entrepreneur Ben Way feels your pain in the neck–and he has an resolve, good day as he can raise $50,000 on Kickstarter to get started. The result is…Arc Island, a floating island community the size up of Manhattan.

The island as Way visualizes it would also have complete of the necessary engineering science to keep up life, including renewable energy, desalination, and waste disposal.

Way imagines a utopian gild in which there's nary physical up-to-dateness, a micro democracy, a virtual government, complete energy independence, and a flat assess rate. I'm doing my taxes true now, and I could go for a flat tax rate…but that's beside the point.

Elbow room is asking for Kickstarter users to donate antimonopoly $50,000 to the campaign, so that helium prat "engage the relevant architectural and engineering talent required to pull put together the basic strands of the construct." Way past plans to leverage his own relationships, contacts, and partners to get "tenner multiplication the economic value" of the funding.

If you want to live on donate you bottom head on over to Kickstarter and do then. Way has generated $4,484 of his $50,000 goal at the time of this posting, and there are 56 days to go. Like all Kickstarter projects, if you donate you start out a miniscule something in return (assuming the project gains totally the requested funding–if Way doesn't get his $50K, you'll get your contribution back). Therein case, it's one square centimeter of Arc Island land for for each one dollar mark you donate.

[Kickstarter via Gizmodo]

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